Australia Phone Number 0435 476177 Australia
USA Phone Number 800 418-1230 USA

Get A Free Quote on Shipping your Boat

Importing Boats & Shipping Boats in Containers

Importing Boats & Shipping  in Containers….IMPORTANT

Importing Boats in Containers?  Do you understand your costs?

USA businesses advertising shipping boats in containers for approximately $6,500.00 Turn Key Service to Australia East Coast etc…West Coast Australia is even more expensive and longer service.

Do you know what you get for this magical number of $6,500.00 “MAYBE NOT?”


You have purchased a boat in the USA and your seller has told you that they can ship it home for as little $6,500.00. “Sounds Good Now” – “BE WARNED”

The container with your boat and trailer has arrived in your local port Australia but it is still on the ship. This is where your $6,500.00 “ENDS”.  Now the container must demurrage from the ship and transported to a remote warehouse to a licensed AQIS pad for inspection. AQIS will not inspect your boat and trailer whilst it is in the container. So now you have to pay contractors to unpack the container which will generally involve crane work.

You will now be expected to pay a minimum of AUD 2,400.00 after your initial outlay of $6,500.00

The arrival costs of $2,400.00 in your local port will cover the demurrage off the ship, transport to AQIS licensed warehouse pad for unpack, customs clearance & container return to terminal.

It does not include GST or duties where applicable.

If you have any questions with the above please contact: Ian McIndoe- Mobile 0435 476177