Australia Phone Number 0435 476177 Australia
USA Phone Number 800 418-1230 USA

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Import Permits for Trailers, Caravans, Fifth Wheelers & Vehicles & Motor Bikes (VIMPORTS)

Australian Import Information

Import Permits for Trailers, Caravans, Fifth Wheelers & Vehicles & Motor Bikes (VIMPORTS)

An import permit for the trailer is required, from the Federal Department of Transport & Infrastructure. We offer a permit application service which is included in your quote.

Vehicle Import permits take 28 days to process.

We also make this submission on your behalf as we know exactly the information the department requires.

The fee for the application is AUD $50.00

You will not require an import permit if your boat is being shipped on a cradle.

An import permit is not required for a Boat, Motor Vessel, and Sail Yacht & Jet Ski’s

Documents, Import Duty & GST Required By Australian Customs Service (ACS)

If the imported cargo has been manufactured in the USA, you will NOT pay Import Duty under AUSFTA: Australian United States Free Trade Agreement.

GST 10% is calculated on the purchase price of your cargo and freight.

Certificate of Origin is required to waive import duty 5% if you cargo is manufactured in the United States of America.                           (Import USA Boat will supply this document)

Bill of Lading Copy         (Supplied By Import USA Boat)

USA Title Documents    (Only Required If Your Cargo Is Wheels & Motor Propelled Vehicle)

AQIS Packing Slip           (If your cargo is being shipped in a container)


AQIS – Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service

All second hand vehicles / boats / vessel /trailers will be inspected by AQIS upon arrival at your destination port. All cradles supplied by Import USA Boat are AQIS approved. Cradles will be manufactured to suit your boat and will either be timber or steel construction. Timber cradles need to be stamped ISPM 15. If your boat is an open boat being shipped as RO/RO (Roll On/Roll Off) we suggest having the boat cleaned and shrink wrapped. Import USA Boat will organise. Please note, this does not guarantee the boat will not be quarantined.

Gas Import – Air Conditioning & Refrigeration

If your cargo, boat, caravan or machinery is fitted with refrigeration or air conditioning it will either have to be degassed by an Authorised Technician and supply a document by an authorised company and technician or the alternative to is lodge and complete a Gas Import Application to import the gas into Australia. Lodging for Gas Import Permit is far more cost effective than de-gassing. Import USA Boat will lodge this application for you on receipt of relevant information for the application. Application Cost AUD $400.00